As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the
Stay Tuned eBook edition has dropped to just 99 cents this week.
What’s more, by purchasing this fantastic book at an incredibly low
price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes, including lots of
Amazon gift cards (up to $100 in amount) and 5 autographed copies of the
book. Be sure to enter before the end of the day on Friday, December
2nd, so you don’t miss out.
To Win the Prizes:
1. Purchase your copy of
Stay Tuned for just 99 cents on
Amazon or
Barnes & Noble (You’ll need it for the big contest on Friday)
2. Fill-out
the form on Novel Publicity to enter for the prizes
3. Visit today’s featured event; you may win an autographed copy of the book or a $50 gift card!
…And I can win too!
Over 100 bloggers are participating in this gigantic event, and there
are plenty of prizes for us too. The blogger who receives the most
votes in the traffic-breaker poll will win a $100 gift card as well. So
when you visit Novel Publicity’s site to fill-out the contest entry
form, don’t forget to say that I referred you, so I can get a point in
the poll.
The Featured Events include:
Monday, Radio Interview with Novel Publicity! We’re kicking-off on
the Novel Publicity Free Advice blog.
We interviewed Lauren on our radio show Sunday night and have embedded
the full podcast and blogged about its highlights. Give it a listen and
then leave a comment on the blog post. This is a great chance to get to
know more about this fun and bubbly author. One commenter will win an
autographed copy of
Stay Tuned. Don’t forget to enter for the other contest prizes while you’re over there!
Tuesday, Twitter sharing contest! A
tweet is tiny, only 140 characters. But on Tuesday, it could win you
$50. Send the following tweet across the twittersphere, and you just may
win a $50 Amazon gift card. An autographed copy of
Stay Tuned is also up for grabs. The winners will be announced Wednesday morning.
Here’s the tweet:
Take a break from the holiday frenzy, and read Stay Tuned. It’s fast,
fun, and reduced to just 99 cents! #whirlwind
Wednesday, Google+ sharing contest! Yup, there’s yet
another awesome opportunity to win a $50 Amazon gift card, and this
time it just takes a single click! Visit Google+ and
share Emlyn Chand’s most recent post (you’ll see the
Stay Tuned book cover included with it). On Thursday morning, one lucky sharer will be $50 richer. An autographed copy of
Stay Tuned is also up for grabs. Two chances to win with just one click! How about that?
Thursday, Facebook sharing contest! Stop by
Novel Publicity’s Facebook page and share their latest post (you’ll see the
Stay Tuned
book cover included with it). It’s ridiculously easy to win! On Friday
morning, one lucky sharer will be $50 richer. An autographed copy of
Stay Tuned is also up for grabs.
Friday, special contest on the author’s site! Are
you ready for some more fun? Take a picture of yourself with your copy
of Stay Tuned either in paperback or on an eReading device, tag
Lauren Clark’s Facebook page,
and you can enter to win one of three Amazon gift cards! A $100 prize
will go to the most creative photo, $50 to the best BFF photo, and $50
to the photo with the most people in it. An autographed copy of
Stay Tuned
is also up for grabs. If you need help learning how to tag a photo, you
can visit Lauren’s Facebook page for detailed instructions.
Remember, it’s all about the books!
About Stay Tuned:
What happens when a #1 news team becomes the top story instead of
reporting it? For TV producer Melissa Moore, crisis management comes
with the job. From employee disputes to her high-maintenance boss,
there’s not much she hasn’t seen or can’t handle. But no one—including
Melissa—expects a fistfight during the ten o’clock news. When
sexy-but-crazy Alyssa Andrews lands a punch on her co-anchor’s face,
Melissa jumps on set to help. She’s determined that WSGA’s reputation
won’t be destroyed on her watch. Both anchors are fired and Melissa
agrees to fill in—but not before polishing her look from haircut to
heels. While the new Melissa wows WSGA viewers, her personal life starts
fraying at the edges. Melissa’s husband is away more than he’s home,
leaving cryptic Post-it notes in his wake. Her mother’s antics spiral
out of control at the nursing home and a stalker decides Melissa is her
next target. What happens next? Stay Tuned to find out…
Get it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
About the Author: Lauren Clark has been a voracious
reader since the age of four and would rather be stranded at the library
than on a desert island. In her former life, she worked as an anchor
and producer for CBS affiliates in Upstate New York and Alabama. Lauren
adores her family, yoga, her new Electra bike, and flavored coffee. She
lives near the Florida Gulf Coast.
Visit her on her website, Twitter, Facebook, or GoodReads.
Now please enjoy this sneak peek of Stay Tuned…
Chapter 1
Alyssa Andrews was missing.
Gone, vanished, MIA with just minutes to airtime.
“Melissa, where is she?” Our news director, Joe, shot a harried look
in my direction. After dealing with a broken studio camera, spotty
satellite reception, and last-minute script changes, his nerves were
fried to a crisp.
“She’ll be here,” I promised, knowing my confidence was a front.
Alyssa, one of WSGA-TV’s main news anchors, was a constant source of
angst in my already-stressful job.
She was young, talented, gorgeous…and chronically late.
This lack of punctuality was a problem, especially when WSGA ran a
show at exactly six and ten o’clock every night. Not a moment later.
WSGA was Macon, Georgia’s number one news station and had been for
two years running. If we wanted to keep it that way, timing was
everything. Every second mattered.
I produced both evening shows, which meant—among a dozen other
tasks—organizing the day’s stories, writing copy, and checking video.
Each segment had to run seamlessly between three-minute commercial
Deep breath, Melissa. Send up a little prayer. She’ll show up.
The red numbers on the clock continued to march forward.
Another deep breath. Everything’s in place. Alyssa just needs to walk in and get on set…
“Tighten up on camera one.” Joe peppered the room with demands. “Mic check, now, not yesterday.”
Tim Donaldson, Alyssa’s co-anchor, obliged, counting backwards from the number five.
Joe’s thick fingers punched buttons on the massive keyboard in front of him. “Bring up the live shot.”
Still, no Alyssa.
Joe raked a huge hand through his long gray hair. “Five minutes!” he growled, with a glare into his empty coffee cup.
At this point, it was Joe’s show to run. He was in charge. I shuffled my scripts. “How about I call her?”
“She’s an adult,” he grumbled. “You shouldn’t have to.”
Joe expected nothing less than perfection. He was experienced, hard
working, and a stickler for detail. Alyssa’s nonchalance made him crazy.
Which, at 9:55:36 on a Friday night, gave him the patience of a gnat. On crack.
This was particularly dangerous for an unsuspecting new employee, all
of twenty years old and pimple-faced, who crept up behind us.
Joe ignored him at first, barking an order to me instead. “Fine, fine. Melissa, tell Princess A. she’s needed in the studio.”
On autopilot, I punched her extension, eyes focused on the row of monitors above my head in case she decided to appear.
While the phone rang, the new kid rocked on his heels nervously. I
flashed a smile and shook my head gently in his direction, hoping he’d
get the hint.
Not now.
Nope. The kid stood there, coughed lightly, and waited for one of us to turn around.
“What?” Joe finally snapped.
The force of the word made the kid’s body jerk back. Jaw open, unable to speak, his face turned crimson.
Joe waited about a second for the kid to talk, and then leaned back
over the control panel. He pressed at switches, clearly annoyed. The kid
looked sick. Joe rolled his eyes. My anxiety level cranked up ten
9:58:09. Less than two minutes.
Wait…a flash of an ivory suit and blond hair.
“There she is,” I interrupted the tension with a cool nod toward the monitors.
Front and center, Alyssa sauntered into the studio, lips puckered,
blowing her shell-pink nail polish dry. She slid into her seat next to
Tim, and gave him a playful pat on the shoulder.
Joe muttered something I couldn’t repeat.
I stifled a loud sigh of relief and glanced around the room. The new
guy was the only one in the building unimpressed with Alyssa’s arrival.
With a shaking hand, he reached out and tapped Joe’s burly shoulder.
“Mr. Joe, there’s a problem with one of the machines—”
Joe’s back stiffened. He turned a millimeter in the kid’s direction
and exploded. “Get your butt back there. Get one of the engineers. Fix
it. Call someone.”
I caught the now-completely mortified kid’s eye, and motioned for him
to come toward me. Grabbing the nearest piece of paper, I jotted down
the engineer’s extension and held it at arm’s length with a kind smile.
Poor guy. Lots to learn.
With a grateful look, the new kid plucked the scrap from my fingers and darted away.
Time to get started.
I settled in, gripped my pen hard, and looked up.
Okay. Alyssa’s collar was turned under. Minor detail, but sure to
garner at least five viewer complaints. You wouldn’t believe what people
called in about.
I leaned toward the microphone to let Alyssa know.
“Dare you not to tell her,” Joe muttered. It wasn’t a secret that the
guys would willingly let Alyssa go on air with underwear on her head.
She hadn’t made friends. Or tried to.
Tim, her co-anchor and current boyfriend, didn’t count.
“Just part of those darn producer duties, Joe. You know that.” I
flashed him a smile and pressed the button to talk. “Alyssa, fix your
Her mouth parted into an O. Alyssa frowned, glanced down, and straightened the pale edge. Just in time.
Like a well-directed movie, the WSGA-TV opening video flashed across monitor one. Macon, Georgia’s skyline filled the screen.
My body tingled with a familiar rush of excitement. It happened every
time we went on air. The cameras and lights, the beat of the music, the
thrill of live television.
Here we go.
Seconds later, Alyssa and Tim appeared under the lights, their bright anchor smiles pasted on.
“Good evening, I’m Alyssa Andrews.
“And I’m Tim Donaldson.”
And on it went, without a blip, for the first ten minutes. I started breathing again after the third break.
Stanley and Sunshine, the weather cat, were ready for the five-day forecast, check.
Commercial break, check.
Sports, check. I didn’t worry about that three-minute slot. Plenty to
talk about, visual stories; the anchors could get away with jokes and
ad-libbing. Viewers loved it.
We rounded out the show with an inspirational kicker about a local
scholarship winner, a kid first in his family to go to college. He’d won
forty thousand dollars and was going to Georgia Tech to study
The show wrapped with a standard goodnight, credits, and a wide shot of the WSGA set.
The second the master control operator switched to break, Alyssa
flounced off the set in silicone fashion. She barked into her
jewel-encrusted cell phone about her min-pin puppy’s cancelled spa
appointment and stomped out of the studio, teetering precariously in
four-inch heels.
I climbed the flight of stairs back to the newsroom, relieved the night was almost over.
The phones started to ring five seconds later.